This series is about letting go and finding yourself. This idea is thrown around a lot, and it is quite difficult to be honest and vulnerable with yourself and others. I struggle with wanting to control the outcome…and it is scary to not know and just trust the process. Life is that way too. If we can just welcome ourselves to the moment, let the thoughts and feelings come and go and be kind to ourselves…then we can really start living. Not everyone will like what we do, but someone will find a connection. We are made to connect and love one another. Fear doesn’t have a place in our hearts when we let in the light and truth.
So here is my work. I tried new things, explored new concepts, and kept at it…listening to that soft whisper in my soul. This work is vulnerable yet full of hope. I set aside the perfectionism, the control, the approval and just let it flow…I came “Undone”.
The series is still not finished…but as for now, all of these paintings have a home here. And I look forward to creating more.